Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9th - Communication

I took a walk today with someone I have been wanting to talk to for ages. I'm pretty sure that the walk was arranged by God so I thank Him for that. We walked to the store to use up my change and on the way there and back my heart was breaking. It definatly was not a deep talk, but what was said was enough to make me understand things more clearly.

Communication is so important. Being away from home has really made me realize just how important face to face conversations are. Internet is a lame way of communicating. Thank goodness for phone calls!


  1. Yeah manz. Thats cool as.

    Hey I'm sorry I couldn't answer your phonecall when you were gonna show me Cairo meowing. It would have been awesome!

    Yeah. Face to face talking is a million better. You should bring your face back home. I hope your face is still having fun where you are though. ttylz
