Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30th - Phones and Chillz

Well work today was the gayest thing ever. I felt like dying which was not pleasant. But this evening Han called me which was cool and we chatted about things that are hot and bald and that made me feel better. I also spoke to Laban too which was neat. Ben Cameron, Ben Hawken and Sam also rang me tonight which was very amusing. Ben said the beautiful thighs thing and it was great! I've been texting Amy too and that is making me feel better as well. It is nice to have people make you feel cool when you've pretty much had the worst day.
And chillin makes days better too! I always like chillin with Janes and I had some swell chillin times with Ian tonight even if they did involve a lot of bullying and fighting.
Another encouraging thing that happened was in the middle of the day when I was like "everything is gay" Jess came up to me and hugged me and said she loved me.


  1. you're letting peeps hug you now!? so jealous!

  2. Dang. I'm glad you got some sweet peeps out there with you. Peeps are great when they make you feel better.
