Monday, March 23, 2009

March 22nd - Three

Three things were remarkable today.

1) I was sitting on a bench outside at church reading my bible when an old man wearing sunglasses and brown clothing put some sort of seed thing on my page. He did a chuckle and walked away. I did some sweet lolz; it was a swell gift.

2) I went on a bike ride with Ian to the store. He rode the bike and I sat on the handlebars. I have no idea how he could see where to go but we did not crash! I really enjoyed it and I like chillin with him. I wear his green hat and he wears my grey hat. And I think he stole my G-Unit hat too.

3) I lost a few things since I have been away and it was quite annoying. This evening I went to the beach and prayed that I would find them. When I got back to my room I found two of the things I had lost almost straight away. God is the man.


  1. sounds like you're having a swell time!
    i am so jealous about number 1!!!!!!!

  2. 1) hahaha you and old men
    2) I had an e2 mango yesterday, Maud said it was the best :)
    3) yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

  3. Awesome!
    All three of those are totally great!

    Old men are my heros. I was in hospital with one once. I'll tell you one day.

    Finding things is awesome. I need to find lots of things at the moment.
    2 Music CD's
    my nail file (my nails are gettin girly as a result!)
    my Church key
    2 Hats
    a folder containing artwork
